Application Status Query


Please allow one hour after receipt of your status update email for the updates to be reflected in the online checklist.

Please verify the checklist information below, including your address. If your address has changed, please e-mail your application number, name, profession, along with your old and new address. The Credentialing department posts status information following receipt and review of application materials.

As of  :  08/05/2013
Application#  :  476636
Name  :  Bulletproof Securities Inc
Profession  :  Private Detective Agency
Address  :  PHOENIX, AZ
Application Status  :  (Permanent license issued)

Requirements Not Met:
Description Status Comments (Please note, not all requirements will include comments)

Requirements Met:
Description Status Comments (Please note, not all requirements will include comments)
License Application Complete Met
License Fee Met
Certificate of Insurance with Form 1482 or Surety Bond Met
Certificate of Authority or Registration from Department of Financial Institutions (Corp., Inc., LLC or LLP only) Met
Agency's policy regarding care, use and storage of firearms Met
Name of Registered Agent (foreign corporation only) Met
Authorization for release of FBI information (#2687) Met
CIB and FBI fingerprints Met
Recent photograph of applicant's head and shoulders only Met
Federal Identification Number Collection Met